Implant Supported Dentures
Implant supported dentures or better known as Overdentures, are restorative prosthesis used when all teeth are lost or extracted and budget is limited. Usually two to four regular diameter implants or four to six mini implants can hold the denture in place. The denture and implants are connected by components known as attachments. There are different kinds and brands of attachments of different qualities and prices. We only use attachments which we consider the very best for you.
For this treatment option is very important to have a well designed denture that fit well, otherwise a new full denture is made to custom fit your mouth. An implant supported denture will make you chew better and look better increasing your self confidence and well being.
Implant supported dentures have several advantages over regular dentures. The denture will not tip or rub when you chew and will not loosen with time. It will not move as you speak.
Complete dentures present many disadvantages including: Loosing ability to taste and fully enjoy food since your palate is partially covered, and bone loss over time. Implant will allow us to remove the acrylic that covers your palate and reduce the overall size of the denture, this will translate in multiple benefits and comfort.
It takes about three appointments to deliver an implant supported denture. The implants or the mini implants are usually placed in one appointment, if the implants have the required stability they can be connected immediately to the dentures and you can walk out of our practice enjoying the benefits of implant dentistry from day one. If the stability is poor, then we need to wait a period of three to five month for bone to form and mature around the implant surface.
For the final denture, Impressions are taken and sent to the lab for the fabrication of the new denture. When the denture comes back from the laboratory it is attached to the regular implants or to the mini implants in one appointment. Implant supported dentures require a period of supervision and adjustments and we expect to see our patients for maintenance at least three times a year to keep the area healthy and make proper modifications and adjustments.
A good alternative for implant supported dentures are implant retained crowns or bridges. To do this, you usually need to commit more to the treatment in reference to time and finances as they involve many more resources and work but are also way better. Dental implants prevent bone loss that affects your bite and your TMJ. With dental implants your mouth will feel more natural. You will chew better and feel better. Most of all, you will not lose the ability of tasting and enjoying your food which happens when you have a regular full denture.