Comprehensive TMJ Evaluation
The TMJ Evaluation is a detailed exam of your bite. During the evaluation the doctor will examine how the jaw moves on opening and closing and how the teeth come together.
Many factors can affect the bite such as missing or tilted teeth. Posture can also affect the bite; therefore the doctor may observe your walk and standing posture.
An important part of the exam is putting pressure on the muscles which move the jaw (both externally and internally), as well as the muscles of the neck, shoulders and upper back. The doctor may check for jaw joint sounds using a stethoscope or place fingers along the jaw to track movements of the jaw.
The doctor will evaluate the results of your CBCT image. Cone Beam Computerized Tomography is the new technology used to reproduce images of your dental and facial anatomy. With the CBCT X-Ray the doctor is able to study the anatomical structures of your mandible joint. The doctor will show you the images and point out the areas that need attention so that you can understand the reason for your symptoms.
An Electromyographic Analysis (EMG) is also part of the evaluation. This is a non-painful test of the facial muscles with readings recorded by a machine. The EMG shows, very precisely, how the muscles are functioning. Recordings are taken with the mouth open, bitting down, and also in sitting and standing positions, to help determine other parts of the body that are affected.
After the evaluation, the doctor will explain in detail the treatment that will improve your symptoms.